央视国际 www.cctv.com 2006年06月06日 16:46 来源:
Match Date Venue City Stadium Teams Fnl Res 90’ HT AET PSO
30.07.1930 MONTEVIDEO Centenario Uruguay - Argentina 4-2 4-2 1-2 - -
10.06.1934 ROME Nazionale PNF Italy - Czechoslovakia 2-1 2-1 0-0 2-1 -
19.06.1938 COLOMBES-PARIS Olympique Italy - Hungary 4-2 4-2 3-1 - -
16.07.1950 RIO DE JANEIRO Maracana Uruguay - Brazil 2-1 2-1 0-0 - -
04.07.1954 BERNE Wankdorf Germany FR - Hungary 3-2 3-2 2-2 - -
29.06.1958 STOCKHOLM Rasunda Brazil - Sweden 5-2 5-2 2-1 - -
17.06.1962 SANTIAGO DE CHILE Nacional Brazil - Czechoslovakia 3-1 3-1 1-1 - -
30.07.1966 LONDON Wembley England - Germany FR 4-2 2-2 1-1 4-2 -
21.06.1970 MEXICO CITY Azteca Brazil - Italy 4-1 4-1 1-1 - -
07.07.1974 MUNICH Olympiastadion Netherlands - Germany FR 1-2 1-2 1-2 - -
25.06.1978 BUENOS AIRES River Plate Argentina - Netherlands 3-1 1-1 1-0 3-1 -
11.07.1982 MADRID Santiago Bernabeu Italy - Germany FR 3-1 3-1 0-0 - -
29.06.1986 MEXICO CITY Azteca Argentina - Germany FR 3-2 3-2 1-0 - -
08.07.1990 ROME Olimpico Germany FR - Argentina 1-0 1-0 0-0 - -
17.07.1994 PASADENA Rose Bowl Brazil - Italy 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 3-2
12.07.1998 SAINT-DENIS Stade de France Brazil - France 0-3 0-3 0-2 - -
30.06.2002 YOKOHAMA International Stadium Germany - Brazil 0-2 0-2 0-0 - -
总场次Matches played 17
正规比赛时间内决出胜负的场次Matches decided in regular time 13
加时赛后决出胜负的场次Matches decided after extra-time 3 (1934, 1966, 1978)
点球大战决胜的场次Matches decided by penalty-shootout 1 (1994)
Champions Brazil (5), Germany/Italy (3), Argentina/Uruguay (2),
France/England (1)
Participations in Final Brazil/Germany (7), Italy (5), Argentina (4), Uruguay/
Netherlands/Hungary/Czechoslovakia (2) France/ England/
Sweden (1)
34支决赛队分属于欧洲(21支)和南美(13支)Regional representation Europe 21, South America 13
1930和1950年决赛没有欧洲队伍参加 No European team in Final 1930, 1950
以下六届决赛没有南美队伍参加No South American team in Final 1934, 1938, 1954, 1966, 1974, 1982
总进球数Goals scored 67
上半场1st half /下半场 2nd half /加时赛 in extra-time 27 / 35 / 5
点球次数(不算点球大战)Penalty goals 3 (1974: 2; 1990: 1)
平均每场进球数Average of goals 3.94
最高比分Highest 1958: Brazil ? Sweden 5-2
最低比分Lowest 1994: Brazil ? Italy 0-0
决赛现场观众总人数Total (all Finals) 1,398,321
平均每场Average 82,254
最多与最少观战人数Highest / Lowest Match Date Venue City Stadium Teams
174,000 16.07.1950 RIO DE JANEIRO Maracana Uruguay - Brazil
45,000 19.06.1938 COLOMBES-PARIS Olympique Italy - Hungary
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参加过决赛的球员人数Players who have played in the finals 359
参加过两场决赛的球员人数Players with two matches 46
参加过三场决赛的球员人数Players with three matches 1 (卡福Cafu)
决赛上场时间最长的球员(分钟)Most minutes played 279’ Cafu
210’ (Beckenbauer, Ferrari, Haan, Jongbloed, Krol, Meazza,
Monti, Neeskens, Overath, Aldair, Bebeto, Dunga, Taffarel)
决赛上场时间最短的球员(分钟)Least minutes played 1’ (Causio, Trobbiani)
决赛进球者Goalscorers 54
决赛攻入两球者Players with two goals scored 7 (Rahn, Breitner, Piola, Colaussi, Kempes, Zidane, Ronaldo)
决赛攻入三球者Players with three goals scored 3 (Hurst, Pelé, Vava)
单场决赛两次破门者Players who scored twice in the same final 8 (Rahn, Piola, Colaussi, Kempes, Vava, Pelé, Zidane,
上演帽子戏法者Hat-tricks 1 (Hurst)
在两届决赛都有进球者Players who scored in two finals 3 (Pelé, Vava, Breitner)
作为球员不止一次捧起世界杯者Multiple World Champions 3 Pelé, 2 Castilho, Bellini, Gilmar, Didi, Zagallo, Djalma
Santos, Zozimo, Garrincha, Nilton Santos, Mauro, Zito, Vava,
Pepe, Ferrari, Meazza, Monzeglio, Massetti, Passarella, Cafu,
连续三届决赛都有参加的球员Players who played in three successive Finals Cafu (1994-2002);
马特乌斯参加了1986/90决赛,但1982年决赛时为板凳球员; Matth?us played in 1986/90 but sat on
the bench in 1982;
罗纳尔多参加了1998/2002决赛,但1994年决赛时坐在替补席上Ronaldo played in 1998/2002 and was a
substitute in 1994
作为球员和主教练都捧起世界杯者World Champions as player and as coach 2 (Zagallo, Beckenbauer)
参加决赛的最年长球员(同时也是最年长的夺冠球员!)Oldest player in a Final (and oldest champion!) 40y 133d ? Dino Zoff, ITA 1982 (*28.02.1942)
参加决赛的最年轻球员(同时也是最年轻的夺冠球员!)Youngest player in a Final (and youngest champion!) 17y 249d ? Pelé, BRA 1958 (*23.10.1940)
*Pelé and Zoff met in the 1970 World Cup final, when Pelé scored Brazil′s opener ? while Zoff sat on the bench
Year Referee Ctry DOB Age Teams
1930 Langenus Jan BEL 08.12.1891 39 Uruguay - Argentina
1934 Eklind Ivan SWE 15.10.1905 29 Italy - Czechoslovakia
1938 Capdeville George FRA 30.10.1899 39 Italy - Hungary
1950 Reader George ENG 22.11.1896 54 Uruguay - Brazil
1954 Ling William ENG 01.08.1908 46 Germany FR - Hungary
1958 Guigue Maurice FRA 04.08.1912 46 Brazil - Sweden
1962 Latychev Nickolaj URS 21.11.1913 49 Brazil - Czechoslovakia
1966 Dienst Gottfried SUI 09.09.1919 47 England - Germany FR
1970 Gloeckner Rudolf GDR 20.03.1929 51 Brazil - Italy
1974 Taylor John ENG 21.04.1930 44 Netherlands - Germany FR
1978 Gonella Sergio ITA 23.05.1933 45 Argentina - Netherlands
1982 Coelho Arnaldo BRA 15.01.1943 39 Italy - Germany FR
1986 Arppi Filho Romualdo BRA 01.07.1939 47 Argentina - Germany FR
1990 Codesal Mendez Edgardo MEX 06.02.1951 39 Germany FR - Argentina
1994 Puhl Sandor HUN 14.07.1955 39 Brazil - Italy
1998 Belqola Said MAR 30.08.1956 42 Brazil - France
2002 Collina Pierluigi ITA 13.02.1960 42 Germany - Brazil
Disciplinary Matters
黄牌数Yellow cards 35
红牌数Red cards 3 (1990: Monzon, Dezotti; 1998: Desailly)
在两届决赛中各吃一张黄牌者Players with two yellow cards in two finals 1 (1986/90 Maradona)
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决赛头槌建功统计Goals by headers in World Cup finals
年份-Year 比赛-Match 进球者-Name 球队-Team 进球后比分-Scoreline 进球时间-Minute
1958 Sweden - Brazil 2-5 Pelé BRA 2-5 90
1962 Brazil - Czechoslovakia 3-1 Zito BRA 2-1 69
1966 England ? Germany FR 4-2 a.e.t. Geoff Hurst ENG 1-1 18
1970 Brazil ? Italy 4-1 Pele BRA 1-0 18
1978 Argentina - Netherlands 3-1 a.e.t. Dick Nanninga NED 1-1 82
1982 Argentina ? Germany FR 3-2 José Luis Brown ARG 1-0 23
1982 Argentina ? Germany FR 3-2 Rudi Voeller FRG 2-2 82
1998 Brazil-France 0-3 Zinedine Zidane FRA 0-1 27
1998 Brazil-France 0-3 Zinedine Zidane FRA 0-2 45
决赛点球统计(不算点球大战)Goals by penalties in World Cup finals
Year Match Name Team Scoreline Minute
1974 Netherlands ? Germany FR Johan Neeskens NED 1-0 2
1974 Netherlands ? Germany FR Paul Breitner FRG 1-1 25
1990 Germany FR - Argentina Andreas Brehme FRG 1-0 85
率队不止一次闯入世界杯四强的主教练Coaches reaching the last four of the World Cup more than once
Coach Last four Team / Years Finals
Helmut Schoen 3 Germany FR (1966, 1970, 1974) 2
Mario Zagallo 3 Brazil (1970, 1974, 1998) 2
Vittorio Pozzo 2 Italy (1934, 1938) 2
Guus Hiddink 2 Netherlands (1998); Korea Republic (2002)
Enzo Bearzot 2 Italy (1978, 1982) 1
Franz Beckenbauer 2 Germany FR (1986, 1990) 2
Sepp Herberger 2 Germany FR (1954, 1958) 1
Juan Lopez 2 Uruguay (1950, 1954) 1
Carlos Bilardo 2 Argentina (1986, 1990) 2
George Raynor (ENG) 2 Sweden (1950, 1958) 1
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